Le récit de captivité et la révolution puritaine en Angleterre de 1577 à 1688

Conférencier / conférencière


Armitage, David, The Ideological Origins of the British Empire. Cambridge : Cambridge Univesity Press, 2000. Ch.3. « Protestantism and Empire : Hakluyt, Purchase and Property », p.61-99.
Colley, Linda, Captives : Britain, Empire and the World, 1600-1850. London : Jonathan Cape, 2002 . Ch 3. « Telling the Tale », p.73-98.
Helgerson, Richard, Forms of Nationhood : the Elizabethan Writing of England. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1992. Ch. 5. « Apocalyptics and Apologetics », p. 247-294.
Hill, Christopher, Society and Puritanism in pre-revolutionary England. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1964,1984. Ch. 1. « The Definition of a Puritan », p. 15-30.
Hill, Christopher, The Experience of Defeat, London, Bookmarks, 1994.
Moreau, Jean-Pierre, L’Angleterre des Tudors, 1485-1603. Paris : Ophrys – Ploton, 2000. Ch. 8. « La question religieuse » p. 110-126 & Ch. 9 « L’Angleterre et le monde » p. 127-141.
Ordahl Kuppermann, Karen, Errand to the Indies : Puritan Colonization from Providence Island through the Western Design. The William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, vol 45, no. 1. (Jan 1988) p. 70-99.
Snader, Jon C., Caught Between Worlds : British Captivity Narratives in Fact and Fiction. Lexington : the University Press of Kentucky, 2000
Taylor, Jennifer Renée, « Monsters more than men » : interrogating the captivity narrative in a transatlantic context. Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Florida State University, 2003.

Récits de captivité
Hakluyt, Richard, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation…10 vols. London, J.M. Dent, 1927.
Hasleton, Richard, Strange and Wonderful Things Happened to Richard Hasleton, Borne at Braintree in Essex, in His Ten Yeares Travailes in Many Forraine Countries. London A (bel) I (effes), 1595.
Knight, Francis, A relation of Seven Yeares Slaveries under the Turkes of Argeire….London, T. Coates, 1640.
Okeley, William, Ebenezer, or, a small monument of great Mercy, appearing in the Miraculous Deliverance of William Okeley, William Adams, John Anthony, John Jephs, John- Carpenter, from the Miserable Slavery of Algiers. Printed for Nat. Ponder, at the Peacock in Chancery-Lane, Near Fleet-Street, 1675.
Phelps, Thomas, A True Account of the Captivity of Thomas Phelps, at Machaness in Barbary. London, H. Hills, 1685.
Purchas, Samuel, Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas his pilgrimes. Containing a history of the world in sea voyages and land travells by Englishmen and others. London, William Stansby, 1625. Reprinted in 20 vols. Glasgow : J. MacLehose and Sons, 1905-1907.
Rawlins, John, The Famous and Wonderfull Recoverie of a Ship of Bristoll, called the Exchange, from the Turkish Pirates of Argier… London, Nathaniel Butter, 1622.
Saunders, Thomas, A True Description and Breefe Discourse, of a Most Lamentable Voyage, Made Latelie to Tripoli in Barbarie, in a Ship named the Iesus…London , Richard Iones , 1587.
Smith, John, True Travels, Adventures and Observations of Captaine John Smith, London, Thomas Slater, 1630.
Webbe, Edward, The Rare and Most Wonderful Things Things which Edw. Webbe an Englishman Borne, Hath seene and passed in his troublesome travailes… Wherein is set forth his extreme slavery sustained many yeeres together in the gallies and warres of the Great Turke. London, A.I. 1590.

Articles et ouvrages en ligne
Cattley, Stephen Reed (ed) The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe : a new and complete edition : with a preliminary dissertation by the Rev. G. Townsend. London, Seeley and Burnside. 1837. Vol IV « The History of the Turks » pp. 18-122.
Duchein, Michel, (2002,2009) Puritanisme et puritains. www.clio.fr/bibliotheque/pdfpuritanisme et puritains.pdf.

Référencé dans la conférence : Séminaire M1FR436B/ M3FR436B : Littératures de l’aventure (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles)
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