Colloque international "EARTH 16-18: Ecocriticism And Race Theory in the Humanities: 16th -18th centuries"

EARTH 16-18

Colloque international

"EARTH 16-18: Ecocriticism And Race Theory in the Humanities: 16th -18th centuries"

3-4 juillet 2024

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Lieu: Salle du conseil, Campus Carlone, UniCA (Université Côte d’Azur)

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Wednesday 3 July 2024

Welcome 8h30-9h - Coffee

9h-9h30: Opening address / problématisation du colloque Nora Galland et Emmanuelle Peraldo (UniCA)

9h30-10h30: Keynote 1: Sujata Iyengar (University of Georgia):  Love at the Antipodes in Much Ado About Nothing - Chair : Nora Galland

10h30-11h: coffee break

11h-12h30:  Panel 1: Climate Theory and Environmental Determinism - Chair : Adrien Spiga

11h-11h35: Mathilde Mougin (Aix-Marseille Université) et Katherine Dauge-Roth (Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, USA): L’Amérindien et l’Africain:  des « produits » de la nature ?

11h35-12h: Ayman Mestahi (Université de Tours & University Moulay Ismail, Morocco) Diderot’s Environmental Determinism and Political Climate

12h-12h30: Questions

12h30-14h: lunch

14h-15h: Keynote 2: Scott Slovic (Oregon Research Institute): Chromatic Thinking and Ecocriticism – Chair: Emmanuelle Peraldo

15h-15h30: coffee break


15h30-17h15: Panel 2 Travel writing, ecology and race – Chair : Sandhya Patel


15h30-15h55: Sylvie Requemora (Aix-Marseille Université): Voyages, « Sauvages » et paysages québécois : du récit de Champlain à la pièce de Du Hamel, via le roman de Du Perrier (1602-1603).

15h55-16h20: Ladan Niayesh (Université Paris Cité): The dark side of the first English journey across the Caspian Sea

16h20-16h55: Françoise Besson (Université de Toulouse- Jean Jaurès 2): The Portola expedition (1769-1770) and its contemporary reading through a walk and a travel book

16h55-17h15: questions

Thursday 4 July 2024

9h-10h: Keynote 3: Nandini Das (University of Oxford): 'On Weeds: Ruderal Poetics and early modern Race-craft' - Chair : Sylvie Requemora

10h-10h30: coffee break

10h30-11h45: Panel 3: Chromatic Boundaries and Solar Mythologies in Early modern drama and poetry - Chair : Lauriana Dumont (Université Côte d’Azur)

10h30-10h55: Sophie Battell (University of Zurich): ‘Phoebus’ burning kisses’: Race, Sexuality, and the Sun in Early Modern English Drama

10h55-11h20: Claire Hansen (Australian National University) et Aurélie Griffin (Sorbonne Nouvelle): Ecoracial alterity in Lady Mary Wroth’s “Like to the Indians, scorched with the sun” (1621)

11h20-11h40 Questions

11h40-13h : Panel 4 : Mechanisms of Othering? Shipboard Doctoring in the Eighteenth Century: Collecting, Collating, Invisible Caring – Chair : Mathilde Mougin

11h40-12h05: Sophie Vasset (Université de Montpellier): Race at sea: revisiting Alexander Falconbridge’s Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa (1788)

12h05-12h30: Sandhya Patel (Université de Montpellier): Disclosure: Healing Encounters in the Pacific in the Eighteenth Century

12h30-12h50 : questions

12h50-14h30 déjeuner

14h30-15h30: Keynote 4: Shaul Bassi (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice): Othello in the Chthulucene. Staying in Trouble with Shakespeare – Chair: Ladan Niayesh

15h30-15h45 coffee

15h45-17h00: Panel 4: Human and non-human relationships – Chair : Sujata Iyengar

15h45-16h10: Sophie Lemercier-Goddard (ENS de Lyon): Of Ice and Men: Redefining Humanity and Barbarity in the Arctic

16h10-16h35: Khawla Bendjemil (University of 08 May 1945, Guelma, Algeria): Nature, Race, and Power: An Ecocritical and Critical Race Analysis of Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko (1688)

16h35-16h55: questions

17h: end of the conference